Special New Years Eve Corner Bar – Saturday, December 31

Join us for our 8th Annual New Years Eve Celebration, including a special costume-party Corner Bar! Saturday, December 31 – starting at 6pm…until it’s 2017.

We encourage everyone to dress up or come in costume!

The Not-So-Silent Night Parade.
Assemble in the HPIC parking lot at 6pm. Bring noisemakers, flashlights, umbrellas – whatever is necessary! Parade starts when everyone is ready.

McTuff will play sets through the night, with DJ Evan and DJ Dr Lehl weaving dance tunes early and later. RL Carroll will be there to take your keepsake photos.

Get ready for 2017 with your friends and neighbors close to home!

Beverages – Draft beer, wine, special cocktail and champagneAs always, we offer a wide assortment of non-alcoholic beverages as well. Please remember that no outside alcohol is allowed.

Green Guidance – Walking or bicycling to the event is encouraged. It’s green, it makes the neighbors happier and provides a safe walk home!

Parental Guidance – There are toys and games set up on tables. Parents, please be aware of your child’s activities.  Activities such as ball throwing and chasing games are discouraged.

Movie Night this Friday – July 18

Doors open at 6:30 pm, movie at 7. Free admission. Volunteers will be selling popcorn, candy and other movie fare. Bring blankets and pillows or sit in our chairs. This is an all ages event. Bring your friends, family and neighbors.

Movie hint: This 1993 classic is about a new kid in the neighborhood who just wants to make friends and play baseball. “You call that pitching?” Yeah!

Are you Ready to Rummage?

Saturday Aug 9, 9am to 3pm & Sunday Aug 10, 9am to 2pm

There’s still time to reserve a table! “Recycle” those useful items cluttering up your life! Sell your Crafts Projects and Bake Sale items – help raise money for the club while cleaning out your basement!

Table Rental Fee (benefits the building maintenance fund)
$15 members
/ $20 non-members per day

You keep all your sale proceeds!!

YES! you can sign up for just one day!

Questions or to reserve a table:
Email hpic1919@gmail.com

Corner Bar is Diggin’ Spring

We hope our new Courtyard (almost done!) helps make walking the neighborhood more pleasant. We encourage you to walk/bike to Corner Bar if you can!

Corner Bar April 4

Friday, April 4th, doors open at 6 pm.

7 PM to 8 PM: Back Porch Apostles

8 PM – ?: Le Sang Song

Draft beer, wine and special cocktail Nicole’s Famous Gin & Tonic. As always, we offer a wide assortment of non-alcoholic beverages as well.

Depave! – March 22

Look at the new courtyard! The shaded area near the lower left corner – in front of HPIC. Underneath those pavers on the drawing is the asphalt that needs to be ripped up and taken away. Bring your muscles and whatever you need to vent on Depave Day and help us hoist chunks of asphalt outta here. The asphalt will be prepped, scored and ready to rumble into a big Dumpster that will cart it away. Starting around 10am till however long it takes. And yes, there will be beer.

Courtyard at HPIC

Corner Bar this Friday – November 1st

Día de Muertos at Corner Bar!


Friday, November 1st, doors open at 6 pm.
All ages 6-9 pm
21+ after 9

Draft beer, wine and special cocktail Chili-infused Margarita, as well as Mexican Tequila shots.

DJ Rich brings the Funk from 6-7:30 pm, then Accidental Rhino will perform vintage acoustic jazz from the 1920′s and 30′s!

In the spirit of Día de Muertos, we will have an Altar de muertos upon which you may place a small memento of someone who has passed that you would like to remember. This can be a (small) photo, a poem, or just their name. Between sets of the band (8:30 or so) people can come up to the mic and share a short (30 seconds) remembrance. This can be merely saying their name, a humorous story, or whatever you would like others to know about this person. It should be a celebration. Barry, our master of ceremonies, will read something for you, if you desire.

Parental Guidance – Kids welcome until 9pm.  There are toys and games set up on tables. Parents, please be aware of your child’s activities.  Chasing games are discouraged.



Corner Bar this Friday – September 6

Endless Summer at Corner Bar!

Friday, September 6, doors open at 6pm.
All ages 6-9pm
21+ after 9

Draft beer, wine and special cocktail

And Barry presents live music from:

the Drew Medak Trio, back for another encore of classic jazz standards
between 6 and 9, followed by:

Rick Springer and Jane Taylor, AKA the Diamond Encrusted Cummerbunds – a guitar and vocal duo from 12th Night Productions who perform a little blues, a few standards, a little country and a little rock and roll.

Corner Bar is growing up!

Corner Bar is growing up-

Friday June 7, doors open at 6pm.
All ages 6-9pm
21+ after 9

Draft beer, wine and special June cocktail
Mai Tai

and Barry presents a special music line-up:
DJ Rich Lehl of Highland Park plays soul & R&B tunes from 6:30 to 8.

Live music starts at 8:
The Hinges, a duo of Denny and Kelly Hancock from Olympia playing all original modern folk.
Kurt E. Armbruster will be performing solo. Kurt is also the bass player in the band Life In A Blender and is the author of “Before Seattle Rocked” (UW Press).
Gary Allen May “Highland Park’s Own” always entertaining singer and raconteur.
Will Van Spronsen, folk singer from Vashon.

June 1 is Garden Day at HPIC

Need some garden inspiration? Help plant HPIC’s Rain Garden June 1, starting at 10am. This is the beginning of HPIC’s effort to soften our parking lot while helping to keep storm overflow from polluting the Duwamish River and Puget Sound. Every little bit helps! King County RainWise will be there – with the RainWise program now in our neighborhood, you could get up to a 100% reimbursement for the installation of a rain garden or cistern.

Drawing and Design by Marilyn Jacobs of Rain Dog Designs


See what some neighbors have already done and check out some cool yards!