Movie Night this Friday – April 15th

Doors open at 6:00 pm  with a special event at 6:15 and the movie at 7. Free admission. Volunteers will be selling popcorn, candy, and other movie fare. Bring blankets and pillows or sit in our chairs. This is an all ages event. Bring your friends, family and neighbors.

Special Event!: Lauren Englund from the West Seattle Bee Garden will give a bee presentation with a demonstration hive, speaking about her garden and the bee walk in May.

Movie hint: In this 2007 PG (91 minutes) animation, a bee that has just graduated from college, is disillusioned at his lone career choice: making honey. On a special trip outside the hive, his life is saved by a florist in New York City. As their relationship blossoms, he discovers humans actually eat honey, and subsequently decides to sue them.

Here are some photographs from Movie Night!

2016 Highland Park Uncorked – Registration is open!


2016 Highland Park UNCORKED


This event just keeps getting bigger and better. We encourage you to register early, as we always sell out during preregistration.

Our annual winetasting fundraiser is growing up, inspired by the proliferation of wonderful local wineries in our neighborhood! Now, instead of you bringing the wine, we will featuring some superb wines from 8 local wineries. All the wine will be provided for you.

Upon entrance, you will receive a commemorative wineglass for tasting. You will be invited to enjoy tastings from the Northwest Wine Academy, while you peruse the raffle baskets and purchase raffle tickets. You can gaze upon the art donated by local artists, whose work will be available to bidding on through our new Silent Art Auction. As always, an array of excellent, gourmet food will be provided for your noshing pleasure.

During the wine tasting, you’ll get an opportunity to taste a variety of wines provided by 8 local wineries. Tables will enjoy a fun and enlightening journey that challenges them to identify the varietals poured, as well as the top wines of the evening. Each table will have an opportunity to walk away with some great prizes! Following the tasting, a select amount of the wines presented for tasting will be available for purchase by the glass, or by the bottle (to take home) at a discounted rate. And, for the beer-lovers who attend, we will be selling a selection of quality beers.

Adding to the fun this year, we present Wine Roulette, where you purchase a chance to win a high-value bottle of wine for the bargain price of a ticket.

Our annual winetasting event is a big fundraiser for the club, and all the money received goes to support building and site improvements. Last year, we made sidewalk replacements required by the city after the installation of our donated courtyard, and roof repairs to accommodate our donated solar panels. This year we will be installing fencing to enclose the courtyard for safety and to extend the bar outside, and signature signage will be installed on the building, reflecting the identity and character of HPIC and our neighborhood.

When should I arrive? Be sure to preregister to ensure that you have a seat and then arrive no later than 6:50, after which time your seat may be given to someone else. But arrive earlier and enjoy the food and wine tasting available. If you do not preregister, then you should be there as early as possible and hope that seating is still available. Doors open at 5:30 pm.

How do I preregister? Click the “Click Here to Register” button and start adding to your cart!

What if I don’t preregister? The $50 per person suggested donation at the door will be appreciated if we are not sold out. Please do not plan on this.

I want to donate MORE than the suggested donation. Consider being a Sponsor! Each sponsorship level includes between one and ten admissions! And now that HPIC is a recognized by the IRS as 501(c)3 nonprofit, your donation may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.

Adult Humans Only, please. Please leave children and non-service animals at home. As much fun as this event is, they would not enjoy it.



HPIC Corner Bar brings back Karaoke with Baby Ketten! – This Friday 4/1

Friday,  April 1st , doors open at 6 pm. 

Signups begin at 6 pm. You can be ready with your song selections by going to:



Beverages Draft beer, wine, and special cocktailAs always, we offer a wide assortment of non-alcoholic beverages as well. Please remember that no outside alcohol is allowed and no alcohol is allowed outside at this time.

This month’s special cocktail– Strawberry Basil Lemondrop!

Green Guidance – Walking or bicycling to the event is encouraged. It’s green, it makes the neighbors happier and provides a safe walk home!

Parental Guidance – There are toys and games set up on tables. Parents, please be aware of your child’s activities.  Activities such as ball throwing and chasing games are discouraged.

Volunteer Bartenders Needed

HPIC is looking for Bar Crew!

Have you always wanted to be a bartender? Well, we are looking for Corner Bar Crew and more! This is a chance to be more involved in the events, meet some new people and help support HPIC. We also will need people to assist during our annual wine event that is coming up.

We need people that have a MAST (Mandatory Alcohol Server Training) permit. If you don’t already have it, the permits are available online or through classes for a small fee.

To get a MAST permit:

A nice bonus would be to have a Food Worker card. To get a Food Worker card:

If you are interested or have questions, please email us Email:

Explorative Flow Yoga Class this Wednesday Only – March 23rd at HPIC

When: Wednesday, March 23rd
Time: Doors open at 
1:30 pm, Class from 2 – 3:30 pm

Bring comfortable clothing, yoga mat (we will have some to use)
Donation appreciated 

Teacher Bio: 

Sonja Spinarski has been practicing yoga and movement for over a decade as a means of personal exploration and healing.  She recently completed her 200 YTT at Pavones Yoga Center in Costa Rica, emphasizing on Iyengar methods as well as Yin and Restorative.  Anatomy, breath, and the therapeutic nature of movement are incredibly valuable components to her practice and a passion she hopes to share with her students.

Donate to HPIC while shopping at Amazon!

If you shop on Amazon, there is another way for you to donate. Shop on AmazonSmile instead. It is still Amazon, using your existing account, but a percentage of your purchases go to the charity of your choice. You will first need to set up the charity. Then you just need to remember to shop through AmazonSmile whenever you are shopping Amazon.

To change your charitable organization:

  1.  Sign into on your desktop or mobile phone browser.
  2.  From your desktop, go to Your Account from the navigation at the top of any page, and then select the option to Change your Charity. Or, from your mobile browser, select Change your Charity from the options at the bottom of the page.
  3. Search for “Highland Park Improvement Club”, then click “Select” next to the correct listing.

Movie Night this Friday – March 18th

Doors open at 6:00 pm  with a children’s short at 6:15 and the main movie at 7. Free admission. Volunteers will be selling popcorn, candy, and other movie fare. Bring blankets and pillows or sit in our chairs. This is an all ages event. Bring your friends, family and neighbors.

Double Feature!

Children’s Movie Hint: In this circa 1970 animation (30 minutes) the starring great dane and the gang investigate the happenings of several freighters that are getting raided by the ghost of Redbeard the pirate and his crew.

Movie hint: In this 1994 G (89 minutes) feature, a lion cub and future king Simba searches for his identity. His eagerness to please others and penchant for testing his boundaries sometimes gets him into trouble.

New Classes Coming to HPIC! Introducing Rachel Erickson

 Two New Classes

Family Dance – Last Sunday of the month – 10am (two hours) – Beginning April 24th!

Come twirl, boogie, skip, waltz or jam out. No previous dance skills necessary. There will be a range of styles of dance music and circle time at the beginning and end. Fun for the whole family! All ages are welcome. Dance with others or solo. Breath, stretch, and practice being present. Dance like nobody is watching! There will not be dance instruction, but this is your opportunity to dance the way you want to!

This is free-form dance with influences from the practice of ecstatic dance and similar to 5 Rhythms. This practice is a means for expression, exercise, and fun. No talking or shoes. It is a safe place to dance without judgment or alcohol. A place where you can free your mind and move freely.

Price: $10.00 per class per family (everyone is welcome)

Please let Rachel know if you plan to join! It is not required, but would be helpful for planning. Contact Rachel via email:

Parent Child Yoga – Every Friday – 10am (one hour) – Beginning April 15th (Note change from original announcement of April 1st)

Come relax, stretch and breath with your kiddos! Practice reaching your center and help your children to reach theirs. Help build body awareness, focus, concentration, and confidence. Movement and imaginative play will be provided for both parent and child.

Best for kids age 2 and up but feel free to come with your baby and stretch!

Price: $10.00 per class

Please let Rachel know if you plan to join! It is not required, but would be helpful for planning. Contact Rachel via email:

 One New Instructor

Both of these new classes are being created and taught by Rachel Caplan Erickson. Rachel received her yoga teacher certification in 2005 with the Living Yoga Program in Austin, Texas and has been practicing and studying yoga for over 15 years. She is a mother of an active two-year-old and wife of an educator. As a Naturopathic Physician and Acupuncturist, the wellness of parents and children is central, representing a focus in her yoga classes and dance practice. Rachel has participated in many forms of movement over the years including yoga, Qi gong, ecstatic dance, Tai Chi, Acroyoga, and others. She believes that expressing yourself through movement and being truly present in your body are pathways to health. To let Rachel know you plan or attending or to ask any questions, please contact her via email:

HPIC Corner Bar Welcomes Back the Yada Yada Blues Band as well as DJ Dr.Lehl! – This Friday 3/4

Friday,  March 4th, doors open at 6 pm. 

DJ Dr. Lehl will be setting the mood until 7:30 pm, between and after band sets.

7:30 PM: Yada Yada Blues Band  performs their first set.


Beverages Draft beer, wine, and special cocktailAs always, we offer a wide assortment of non-alcoholic beverages as well. Please remember that no outside alcohol is allowed and no alcohol is allowed outside at this time.

This month’s special cocktail– Strawberry and Jalapeno Infused Margarita!

Green Guidance – Walking or bicycling to the event is encouraged. It’s green, it makes the neighbors happier and provides a safe walk home!

Parental Guidance – There are toys and games set up on tables. Parents, please be aware of your child’s activities.  Activities such as ball throwing and chasing games are discouraged.


Movie Night this Friday, February 19th

Doors open at 6:00 pm  with a children’s short at 6:15 and the main movie at 7. Free admission. Volunteers will be selling popcorn, candy and other movie fare. Bring blankets and pillows or sit in our chairs. This is an all ages event. Bring your friends, family and neighbors.

Double Feature!

Children’s Movie Hint: In this 2006 animation (22 minutes) take a journey back to medieval Bikini Bottom, land of fair maidens, evil knights, fire-breathing jellyfish and daring rescues. Thou art in for an exciting ride.

Movie hint: In this 2014 PG feature (89 minutes), a trio of teen pals make an out of this world discovery via encoded messages on their cell phones.