We had four faithful walkers and one happy dog turn out last night for our walk. Deviating from the planned route a bit, we walked the trails north of Riverview Playfield and learned from Parks employee Rory Denovan what new plans are being made for restoring the natural habitat in the woods. After completing a three mile loop, we started talking about training for an upcoming local race.
Club Northwest is a nonprofit running club that puts on a “series for all seasons” at Magnuson. With one organized run/walk per month, participants can chart their progress over the course of a year. They typically offer a 5K (3.1 miles), a 10K (6.2 miles), and a 15K (you guessed it: 9.3 miles). And you and a friend can be a relay team, both running or walking a 5K, then having your combined times added up for your total 10K finish time! They also usually offer a kids fun run, lining up the little ones dash 200 or 400 meters (just over a tenth or two tenths of a mile). Check out their full schedule of events here: http://magnusonseries.org/schedule.html. With a $10 early entry fee and great snacks post-race, it’s one of the best deals in town.
The Outlanders have decided to participate in the upcoming Halloween Run put on by the group. Of course there will be prizes for best costume, so who knows – we may send a few Elvi (is that the plural of Elvis??) to represent the Club.
Hope to see you at our next run/walk on Tuesday, Sept. 21, at 6.30pm at HPIC. If you’d love to participate but need a better day of the week or time, feel free to let me know and we can perhaps make adjustments to our schedule. For more info, contact Ingrid Mattson at ingrid.mattson@gmail.com.